Maximum PUFA concentration. Ideal for athletes, with high levels of exercise, and an active lifestyle. -For the most demanding sports and those who want quick results -For the most demanding sports and those who want quick results -For people whose lifestyles call for increased physical activity -For women during pregnancy and lactation
Dostępne w postaci

120 capsules

Sugerowany sposób użycia

1-2 capsules per day for 30-60 days with meals

Biologically active substances Content per daily dose (1 tablet)

Fish oil  1320 mg




1050 mg

600 mg



219 mg


60 mg

purified water

0.7 mg


Dodatkowe informacje

NFO® Omega-3 Ultima is a natural, highly purified fish oil in soft, odourless, and tasteless gelatin capsules with a high concentration of EPA and DHA in one capsule.

Wild fish oil from the Norwegian Sea is a priceless Norwegian treasure and is regarded as one of the best in the world. NFO® Omega-3 Ultima contains wild fish oil.

Because the NFO® production sites are located near the collection stations, the molecular distillation method used in the production of NFO® Omega-3 Ultima ensures the highest degree of purification of fish oil from harmful impurities, and the finished product is available within hours of catching fish. It is the world's shortest production chain from raw material to finished Omega-3 products, with no loss of fresh raw material properties during production.

Furthermore, the safety and high quality of the fish oil inside the capsule ensures a very important indicator of the freshness of fish oil - TOTOH index (Total Oxidation Index), which is less than 15 in complex NFO® Omega-3 Ultima (TOTOH index set by European Union regulations at the maximum allowable level of "26"). TOTOH values greater than 26 indicate active oxidation and high levels of free radicals with potentially harmful effects on the body, which occurs when raw materials or finished fish oils are transported over long distances).

NFO® Omega-3 Ultima contains the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the form of esterified triglycerides with a high concentration of EPA and DHA in one capsule. These amino acids are the building blocks for cell membranes in all organs and systems of the human body, but they are not synthesized by the body and must be obtained from outside sources.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It is found in the gray matter of the brain, the retina of the eye, and the cell membranes of various organs and systems. DHA is important in the development of the human brain and nervous system, and it influences the speed of nerve impulse transmission.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (EPA). It promotes cell membrane regeneration, normalizes lipid transport through the bloodstream, boosts immunity, improves fat absorption in the digestive tract, and boosts the body's antioxidant functions.

NFO® Omega-3 Ultima contains vitamin E, which is essential for all tissues in the body because it allows cells to "breathe" and has "cosmetic" properties - it smooths wrinkles and nourishes the skin.

NFO® Omega-3 Ultima Omega-3 Fish Oil Capsules are simple to take and have no taste or odour. It is safe to use for pregnant and lactating women.

The main properties of NFO® Omega-3 Ultima:

• Participates in the formation of all fetal organs and systems, and is a component of the gray matter of the brain and retina.

• It improves memory, attention, and thinking abilities.

• Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and aids in the normalization of blood pressure.

• Aids in the reduction of "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood (LDL).

• Activates the immune system and reduces inflammation intensity.

• Quickly improves skin appearance, promotes hydration, and smoothes wrinkles.

• Increases tone, energy, and youthfulness while actively slowing the ageing process.


DIETARY SUPPLEMENT. It is not a drug.


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Dostępność usługi

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